Replies with a some helpful information and links.
ex: /help
/follow account [channel]
Adds the Letterboxd account to the following list in this channel or another
channel if specified.
ex: /follow account: protolexus channel: letterboxd-feed
/unfollow account [channel]
Removes the Letterboxd account from the following list in this channel or
another channel if specified.
ex: /unfollow account: protolexus channel: letterboxd-feed
/refresh account
Updates the Filmlinkd cache for the Letterboxd account.
ex: /refresh account: protolexus
Replies with a list of all accounts followed in this channel.
ex: /following
/contributor contributor-name
Replies with the film contributor's information.
ex: /contributor contributor-name: hayao miyazaki
/diary account
Replies with the user's 5 most recent Letterboxd entries.
ex: /diary account: protolexus
/film film-name
Replies with the a film's information snippet.
ex: /film film-name: spirited away
/list account list-name
Replies with a users's list's information snippet.
ex: /list account: protolexus list-name: ghibli ranked
/logged account film-name
Shows a user's entries for a film.
ex: /logged account: protolexus film-name: green knight
Shows a random film's information snippet. ex: /roulette
/user account
Shows a users's information snippet. ex: /user account: protolexus
How quickly should I see new diary entries post in my channel?
It should show up in a couple hours. Likely if it doesn't show up in a couple
hours it means there is something wrong with your bot permissions.
How do I get the slash commands to work?
First try the /help and see if that responds and is able to respond. If
not, you likely have to reauthorize the bot on your server. Click the
Authorize Filmlinkd button above and follow the prompts. You don't have
to unauthorize the bot. The bot will remember your followed accounts.
What permissions and scope does this application need?
"View Channel," "Send Messages," "Embed Links," and "Use External Emojis" are
the only permissions this bot needs. "View Channel" allows the bot to have a
presence in a specific channel. "Send Messages" with "Embed Links" gives it the
ability to post your diary entries. "Use External Emojis" allows the bot to use
the custom emojis.
"Applications Commands" and "Bot" are the only scopes that it needs.
"Application Commands" is used to populate the slash commands you will use to
interact with the bot. "Bot" is used for the application to appear on your
Where do I go for help? How do I report a bug? How do I request a feature?